Turning Precious Moments into a Lifetime of Memories

Turning Precious Moments into a Lifetime of Memories
Just can't help it, gotta love these smiling faces! (Emily, Ethan, Kaylee, Seth and Elizabeth)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Four years ago, tomorrow...

It hardly seems possible... Four years ago I looked like this! This was taken as I was ready to walk down to the delivery room to welcome the triplets into life. Four years ago. A lifetime ago, yet only yesterday. Everything was such a blur that day that I have little memory of what exactly happened. Maybe that's a good thing, right?! I do, however, remember what an AMAZING feeling it was when Ethan, the first to be born, was out and the other two dropped down. They were off my lungs and I could breathe! For the first time in months, I could take a breath, a real breath. Wow, so much has happened, so much has changed these past four years. But everytime I look at my babies I remember what a miracle they are.

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1 comment:

  1. Whoa, Cindy!!! That is one big tummy! How else could it be with THREE babies inside! Hooray for you! You've made it through 4 years! What will the teenage years bring??? That's a scary thought!
