It's been about 11 days now, being positioned on the couch and pretty much no where else. Thanks goodness we bought this love seat/recliner! It's interesting to watch things continue on in the home without mom, without me. Most of all, I am so glad grandma/mom was able to come out and help with all of this. I am getting an idea of what others view our household as and man, it's crazy! It's a good thing I won't be sitting and sleeping on the couch for much longer, I am kind of getting used to having meals brought to me, pillows propted up under my knees, drinks with straws...awe....the life. Kind of... It's been nice to see that the kids are beginning to realize that mom does do lots of things for them, it's not just something that magically happens while they are gone to school or outside playing. But the best realization that has come from all of this is that (drum role please) I really miss being a mom. I really like being the mom of the house and everything that comes with it. It will be several more weeks, even a month or two, before things really get back to normal, but by the end of this week things should be much better. They better be, grandma is leaving! :o(
Cindy... what happened to you? Are you sick? Did you have surgery? Are you pregnant??? A little more information... PLEASE! Either way, I am glad your mom was there in your "hour of need!"
ReplyDeleteI had surgery, Feb. 18th. I have had pain in my abdomen ever since the triplets were born and back pain. Dr's all said that is was due to the fact that my stomach muscles had all bee stretched out, really stretched out and to just give it time and to exercise. So I did, waited 4 years but things just got worse, especially in my back. My legs were going numb and I couldn't move around very well. So I finally had surgery to correct the over-stretched muscles and have been doing better. Stomach pain completely gone, back is still out of whack-but I have had to sit and lay around quite a bit. Now we are fighting insurance!
ReplyDeleteFUN !!!! NOT! I saw your mom in the bank the other day and she explained to me about your surgery! Hope the back pain goes away soon. Maybe you just need a good Chiropractor for your back! I imagine lifting all those babies did not do it any good, but what is a mother to do??? Glad you are rid of all the loose skin! Bet your clothes fit better now!! Hang in there!