Turning Precious Moments into a Lifetime of Memories

Turning Precious Moments into a Lifetime of Memories
Just can't help it, gotta love these smiling faces! (Emily, Ethan, Kaylee, Seth and Elizabeth)

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Found a new home, the recliner

It's been about 11 days now, being positioned on the couch and pretty much no where else. Thanks goodness we bought this love seat/recliner! It's interesting to watch things continue on in the home without mom, without me. Most of all, I am so glad grandma/mom was able to come out and help with all of this. I am getting an idea of what others view our household as and man, it's crazy! It's a good thing I won't be sitting and sleeping on the couch for much longer, I am kind of getting used to having meals brought to me, pillows propted up under my knees, drinks with straws...awe....the life. Kind of... It's been nice to see that the kids are beginning to realize that mom does do lots of things for them, it's not just something that magically happens while they are gone to school or outside playing. But the best realization that has come from all of this is that (drum role please) I really miss being a mom. I really like being the mom of the house and everything that comes with it. It will be several more weeks, even a month or two, before things really get back to normal, but by the end of this week things should be much better. They better be, grandma is leaving! :o(

Example of the Believers

Example of the Believers

It doesn't matter what we look like, or what others look like that matters. It's loving others despite everything and anything and allowing ourselves to be loved, despite everything and anything, that matters.

Monday, February 8, 2010

A whole new world!

The wonderous new-found freedom that comes with your first real "big kid" bike. It's amazing! The triplets all received new bikes for their birthdays and they are loving them. I made the mistake of taking them out by myself just to ride up and down the sidewalk in front of our house...they were off!!! Need to remember to put on my running shoes next time, better yet, get my own bike. I was chasing after them, literally running. A lady walking past just laughed as I ran by yelling "Who needs a gym membership when you have this!" Thanks to Gma. & Gpa. for the helmets! Watch out world, here they come!

These pictures don't really show much, but trust me, these three were peddling SO fast and turning so sharply! Of course the puddle and the ramp were both big attractions.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ahh yes, the cakes!

Ethan wanted a dump-truck. He isn't too happy in this picture because I just found out that he destroyed the back end of the cake, eating it while I was showering. Oh well, at least one side still looked okay!

Seth wanted a "rocket-ship"

Little Miss wanted a castle. Looks like it is tipping here, but really, it wasn't! Needless to say, we have tons of cake around here!

I had fun making the cakes, but I was definitely done by the end of the day! So many people have been surprised that I would make them each their own individual cake, but I feel that I need to, and I want to. We strive everyday to make sure all the children see themselves as individuals, not just the "twins and triplets." They are all so different, have their own hopes, dreams, likes and dislikes. It's not their fault they were all born on the same days! This is one of the ways I try to help them be themselves and it helps me to see them for who they are.

Four years ago, tomorrow...

It hardly seems possible... Four years ago I looked like this! This was taken as I was ready to walk down to the delivery room to welcome the triplets into life. Four years ago. A lifetime ago, yet only yesterday. Everything was such a blur that day that I have little memory of what exactly happened. Maybe that's a good thing, right?! I do, however, remember what an AMAZING feeling it was when Ethan, the first to be born, was out and the other two dropped down. They were off my lungs and I could breathe! For the first time in months, I could take a breath, a real breath. Wow, so much has happened, so much has changed these past four years. But everytime I look at my babies I remember what a miracle they are.

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