Turning Precious Moments into a Lifetime of Memories

Turning Precious Moments into a Lifetime of Memories
Just can't help it, gotta love these smiling faces! (Emily, Ethan, Kaylee, Seth and Elizabeth)

Monday, August 23, 2010

To the North Pacific we go! part 1

This summer we flew our family over countless miles to visit our Reynolds' side of the family. It was a long overdue trip. Knowing that we would be traveling to an area that was a good 30 degrees cooler than we were currently in Texas, I saved out everyone's Winter clothes! Packing was interesting to say the least! Complete Summer and Winter outfits for each person for at least 7 days. Had to go buy more suitcases for this visit!

We did so many fun things, that it would be difficult to share them all. Here are just a few pictures highlighting our trip.

We found a train not too far away, in Snowqualmie, that took us for a little ride up into the amazing mountains. This was the kids first train ride and they boys, especially could hardly contain themselves. Unfortunately Elizabeth wasn't feel well that day, so she stayed home with A. Becky.

  • Next several picture are of us camping near the beach. It was wonderful and wonderfully COLD! I think the nights were in the 40's. The scenery was breath taking. The kids loved the freedom of running around playing with cousins and eating lots of yummy camping food! All of Lee's family was able to attend, except for one niece who had to work.

  • We tried to take a picture of all the grandkids, with all of them looking, but that was a laugh!

  • Here Elizabeth is wearing a WW II army wool sweater from Grandpa and a woolly hat from Grandma. Yes, she was very cold!

Here is Lee with his "partners in crime!"





  • Brenda had the right idea! This is very popular in WA! :o)

  • Grandpa and Grandma enjoying watching their family around the campfire retelling childhood memories.... horse in the house, fireworks in the pond...tuna can....broken glass bowl.... and on and on!

  • Lee and his brothers

Ken, Lee and Jared

The beach was covered with crabs! Dead crabs anyway.

Check out Seth's face! The water was freezing!!!!

Kaylee jumping for joy in being able to run free along a nice puddle filled beach.

Sunsets were amazing, just amazing. Would have been really romantic, but being that there were over 14 kids running around....hum it would seem that we all have already enjoyed romantic sunsets...

Everything in WA is so lush and green and covered with delicate raindrops for most of the year. While camping and driving through the forests and what-not...it was hard not to believe in the fairytales and folklore of trolls, goblins, fairies, big foot, vampires, werewolves... It's probably a good thing that I don't live there, my imagination would take over!

Playing with cousins everyday. Even though the age difference ranged from 16 to 2, they all had so much fun together.

Check this out! They grow giant marshmallows in WA!

The boys were all fascinated with Boeing, but then why wouldn't they?

Here are G&G with their son and his children after church.

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