Turning Precious Moments into a Lifetime of Memories

Turning Precious Moments into a Lifetime of Memories
Just can't help it, gotta love these smiling faces! (Emily, Ethan, Kaylee, Seth and Elizabeth)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Fun moments

So it's a good thing that our neighbors have a couple of trees in their backyard, otherwise we would have had no leaves to rake up and jump in this year! Awesome pile the kids raked up, don't you think? There might be even enough for everyone to claim 10 leaves each! Alright, on the count of 3, everyone jump in- no bumping heads please!

We love Fall!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Summer heat is gone and it's perfect weather for outside play, which we all love, including and not limited to mom and dad.

This was the best Christmas musical I have ever attended. We even had front row seats! Music is such a big part of our family's life. Everyone loves to sing and dance. Some even seem to have a talent for it! :o)

There is never a dull, boring moment in our home. That's one of the blessings of having twins and triplets! The kids love playing together and creating new adventures. Here they pulled off couch cushions, gathered pillows and bedding to create their very own roller coaster. Hold on tight kids! For myself, life itself is a roller coaster!

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1 comment:

  1. Great job, Cindy! Those are some really cute kids!! Your family is so unique! 100 toes and fingers! What a clever name for your blog!
    And no...I don't see any little "tools" on your blog! I'm sure we will learn and get better and better as we go along! ADELANTE sobrina!
