Yesterday I took the triplets out for several hours running errands, which is fun, but by the end of the day, let's just say I am glad to kiss them all good night and to just sit and listen to silence and even be silent myself. While at one fairly small clothing store I notice a mother pacing somewhat determinedly around and around the store, yet she said nothing. Soon however, in a frantic and very upset voice, she loudly called out her daughter's name and announced that she was leaving and that she should show her face. Of course this caught all of our attention as this was a children's store, we were all mothers in there. She then desperately said that she could not find her little girl. I quickly asked her what she was wearing, but at the same time the lady checking me out pointed under a table that was blocked by mannequins and said "I think that's her under the table." The mother quickly dashed over as the daughter was climbing out. I was surprised that a child could even fit in that space! At this point the whole store was watching and listening, including the triplets. The mother then proceeded to yell very harsh things at this little two (guessing, but she was very young) year old girl. But as she did, she fell to the floor sobbing. She asked her daughter if she wanted to make her mommy cry. The little girl then sat on the floor and began to cry herself. The mother then apologized and scoop her up and held her, both now crying. The mother continued to talk to the little girl about the dangers of wandering off and how scared she had been when she couldn't find her. At this point I could tell the triplets were freaking out, so I quickly herded them out the store. Of course they wanted to know what had just happened. As I explained it to them I found myself starting to cry. I felt bad that the mother spoke so harshly to the girl, but at the same time, I could understand the desperation, the panic she must have felt. The unspeakable fear and sudden relief she felt as she embraced her little one.
So as I sat alone last night, Lee being in New York on a business trip, exhausted and just about had had enough of the complaining and whining and 2 poopy underwear and 1 peepied underwear/pants, I quietly reflected on what I had seen that day and knew that I would take the stinckies and the peepee and the complaining about dinner (after I spent hours trying something new that I thought they would really love since it was covered in cheese and I don't normally make things like that because of Lee's allergies) any day, just to have them ALL in my life-safe and healthy at home. Still however, glad that they were all tucked into bed snug as little bugs.
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