Turning Precious Moments into a Lifetime of Memories

Turning Precious Moments into a Lifetime of Memories
Just can't help it, gotta love these smiling faces! (Emily, Ethan, Kaylee, Seth and Elizabeth)

Friday, January 29, 2010

Yes Ethan, there is a Santa Clause

Ethan has always been our train lover. He loves everything about trains! This past Fall we were up in Dallas visiting my brother, Bruce, and his family when Ethan discovered the "BIG" trains- GEO tracks. He was obsessed by it. When Christmas came along all he wanted was a "BIG" train. Unfortunately, those "BIG" trains cost bigger money! He has a nice wooden set, so we decided to get him more pieces for it, including a nice suspension bridge and all. All season he would point to the gifts under the tree, excitedly exclaiming, "that's my BIG train!". I cringed every time, hoping he would be excited about a new train set, no matter what it was. Well, Christmas morning came and he was ecstatic! Here is a picture of him when he opened his train set. He was trying SO hard to be happy about it, honestly he was. Nice look, huh?! He would keep saying, before each present he opened...."Oh this is my big train set!" And nope, it wasn't.

After gifts were all opened, he was somewhat disappointed and needless to say, I felt awful!!!!!!! He really really wanted a big train set! What made me feel even worse was that he was being so good, so brave about it. He never complained, but I could see the dissapointment on his face. I mentioned this to my parents over the phone, who at the time were in Dallas with Bruce for Christmas. Well, later that night my nephew, Blake, called and told me that he was going to give Ethan his "BIG" train set, since he no longer played with it. I was so taken back by this! I started to cry, yes-I did. I couldn't help it...this was the best part of Christmas, this is what made Christmas for me this year. Needless to say, when Gpa. and Gma. Romney came down from Dallas to visit us for New Year's, Ethan was splitting at the seams, bouncing off the walls! He couldn't wait to see the new "BIG" train. As soon as Gpa. opened his suitcase and started pulling out the pieces to the set, Ethan turned to me and said "See, I did get my BIG train for Christmas!"

I'd say he's a little excited, wouldn't you? Yes Ethan, and to myself, there is a Santa Clause. Thank you Blake, I will never forget this.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The girls just got their report cards from school. We are so excited for them, the both received special awards for being "A Good Citizen" (acknowledgement for good conduct and service to others) and for being on the Honor Roll. Way to go girls!!! Keep up the good work, and you can be and do anything you want to in life. The sky is the limit.
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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Today we had a doctor's visit. I tried this particular visit last week, but Kaylee threw up in the lobby, so we had to leave. So again, today, we found ourselves exiting Boudreaux (our Suburban) making our way to the office. But, before I opened the door, I looked at each one and gave them specific, pertinent advice and orders.

Seth- keep your underwear clean

Ethan- keep your underwear dry

Kaylee - (she offered this one up herself) no throwing up!

For some reason I felt as if I had just been in a huddle, back on the varsity basketball team I played with in high school. We had an objective, a goal and it was clear.... now on to victory. And I am very excited to say that we achieved that victory!!! GO TEAM!

Bring It All Back

Yesterday I took the triplets out for several hours running errands, which is fun, but by the end of the day, let's just say I am glad to kiss them all good night and to just sit and listen to silence and even be silent myself. While at one fairly small clothing store I notice a mother pacing somewhat determinedly around and around the store, yet she said nothing. Soon however, in a frantic and very upset voice, she loudly called out her daughter's name and announced that she was leaving and that she should show her face. Of course this caught all of our attention as this was a children's store, we were all mothers in there. She then desperately said that she could not find her little girl. I quickly asked her what she was wearing, but at the same time the lady checking me out pointed under a table that was blocked by mannequins and said "I think that's her under the table." The mother quickly dashed over as the daughter was climbing out. I was surprised that a child could even fit in that space! At this point the whole store was watching and listening, including the triplets. The mother then proceeded to yell very harsh things at this little two (guessing, but she was very young) year old girl. But as she did, she fell to the floor sobbing. She asked her daughter if she wanted to make her mommy cry. The little girl then sat on the floor and began to cry herself. The mother then apologized and scoop her up and held her, both now crying. The mother continued to talk to the little girl about the dangers of wandering off and how scared she had been when she couldn't find her. At this point I could tell the triplets were freaking out, so I quickly herded them out the store. Of course they wanted to know what had just happened. As I explained it to them I found myself starting to cry. I felt bad that the mother spoke so harshly to the girl, but at the same time, I could understand the desperation, the panic she must have felt. The unspeakable fear and sudden relief she felt as she embraced her little one.

So as I sat alone last night, Lee being in New York on a business trip, exhausted and just about had had enough of the complaining and whining and 2 poopy underwear and 1 peepied underwear/pants, I quietly reflected on what I had seen that day and knew that I would take the stinckies and the peepee and the complaining about dinner (after I spent hours trying something new that I thought they would really love since it was covered in cheese and I don't normally make things like that because of Lee's allergies) any day, just to have them ALL in my life-safe and healthy at home. Still however, glad that they were all tucked into bed snug as little bugs.

Monday, January 25, 2010

I love this picture of my parents. Both love the beach! It is only when you become a parent yourself that you fully begin to appreciate everything your parents have done and continue to do for you. I love you guys!
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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Fun moments

So it's a good thing that our neighbors have a couple of trees in their backyard, otherwise we would have had no leaves to rake up and jump in this year! Awesome pile the kids raked up, don't you think? There might be even enough for everyone to claim 10 leaves each! Alright, on the count of 3, everyone jump in- no bumping heads please!

We love Fall!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Summer heat is gone and it's perfect weather for outside play, which we all love, including and not limited to mom and dad.

This was the best Christmas musical I have ever attended. We even had front row seats! Music is such a big part of our family's life. Everyone loves to sing and dance. Some even seem to have a talent for it! :o)

There is never a dull, boring moment in our home. That's one of the blessings of having twins and triplets! The kids love playing together and creating new adventures. Here they pulled off couch cushions, gathered pillows and bedding to create their very own roller coaster. Hold on tight kids! For myself, life itself is a roller coaster!

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