Our home is heaven on earth...well, we're trying! Some days are better than others, but I wouldn't trade it, not even for all the chocolate in the world!
Turning Precious Moments into a Lifetime of Memories
Just can't help it, gotta love these smiling faces! (Emily, Ethan, Kaylee, Seth and Elizabeth)
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Here are the two fruit arrangements that I made for a wedding reception. Pictures really don't show how big they were...they were very very big. Fun to make, fun to see and fun to eat!
I can't believe we've been married for 10 years! I love this boy. He is the perfect man for me. (The yellow thing in the picture is actually the moon!) Lee is currently working for SI Group and serving as 2nd counselor in our ward Bishopric. As for myself, I keep busy with my job as a counselor, cook, nurse, referee, coach, judge, preschool director, running a house cleaning service and serving as 2nd counselor in our Primary pres... just to name a few.